Why include Street Nurses in your will?

By deciding to make a legacy to Street Nurses you extend, renew, or reshape your commitment to ending homelessness.

It is leaving a concrete trace after your life, to allow a homeless person to take back control over his or her own.

Every end is a new beginning

With your legacy, you can help getting people like Luc off the streets.

Luc lived on the street for 7 years. Our teams managed to give him home again. He lived, at home, warm, under a roof, for 5 years.

Since then, Luke has died, but in human conditions. "I believe in myself, and I believe in life," he told us.

We keep him in our hearts, and we will continue to fight so that others can, like him, get off the street. And you can contribute.

We will take care of your legacy

You can trust us. Find our legal information below:

Street Nurses (non-profit association)
Rue Gheude 21-24, 1070 Brussels
Phone: 02 065 33 00
Company number: 0876.908.803

Street Nurses is a member of the Testament.be campaign, of the Association for Ethics in Fundraising (AERF) and our accounts are verified by Donorinfo.

Let's talk about you

You certainly have a lot of questions. We are happy to answer them, without any commitment for you, to help you with all formalities.

Portrait picture of Yoann Harvent - legacy manager

Yoann Harvent

Legacy Manager


For any questions in English, Dutch or French


Find all the information in our brochure on bequests and legacy