Émilie Meessen is a young nurse when she makes the following observation: despite the large number of medico-social associations present in Brussels, there are still many homeless people. Together with her friend, Sara Janssens, they decided to found the non-profit organization Street Nurses in 2005.

Over the years, the NPO has developed a methodology based on hygiene and health, in order to create a link with the most vulnerable homeless people and to help them find stable and sustainable housing. In 2011, housing has become an essential part of our work.

Today, begin 2025, Street Nurses has 50 employees in Brussels and 10 employees in Liège, a multidisciplinary team of nurses, social workers, educators, a doctor, and a management team.

The organization is active with teams on the streets, in housing for re-housed people and a team of research and creation of housing. In addition, it also develops awareness-raising and advocacy activities in order to arrive at structural solutions that will end homelessness in Brussels, Liège and elsewhere.

Street Nurses is recognised for its results and its efficient way of working in partnership with the different medico-social actors.

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