After rehousing
Over the past years, Street Nurses has been able to help some 200 homeless people in Brussels and Liège access sustainable housing by providing intensive accompaniment.
Even when our patients have found stable housing and a solid supporting network, we don’t abandon them. Rather, they enter into the last stage of their journey of reintegration, which we call from now on “My Way”.
Housing is an essential condition for helping homeless people to rebuild their lives. Most of them lived many years on the street, sometimes 8, 15, 20 years or even longer.
Avoid returning to the street
Living in the streets leaves huge scars, both physically and mentally. And even with a roof over their heads, they still have a long way to go to restore their health and morale. Therefore, we will continue to work intensively with them for quite some time.
A relapse is always possible. To avoid this with our rehoused patients, we transform our post-follow-up into a full-fledged prevention project under the name "My Way", in order to firmly anchor people in their new home.
My Way's work

This project aims at improving these peoples’ quality of life and their human fulfillment and allows these people to develop life projects in their own way in order to improve their well-being and attachment to their home and so to avoid a possible relapse into street life.
In other words, we would like to trigger in these women and men who have been living for such a long time in the streets, some sparks that will rekindle their flame of life, making them want to get up in the morning, to indulge in some small pleasures and simply to feel well in their skin.