Join our team for the Brussels 20km on 25th May 2024, and run or walk to show your commitment to ending homelessness!
In 2025, Street Nurses renews its participation in the 20km of Brussels, a meaningful sporting challenge but also an opportunity for us to spend a good time with you who wish to commit yourself to the end of homelessness.
Join our team, alone or in a group!
Would you like to get involved in the fight against homelessness by participating in the 20km of Brussels with Street Nurses? It is possible for you to register alone or in a group.
In any case, we will take care of you and make sure that your participation in the Brussels 20km will take place in the best conditions.
Choose between running or walking the 20km of Brussels
This year again, you can participate in the 20km of Brussels by running or walking. You decide what suits you best.
In the end, it is your commitment to ending homelessness that matters!
Help us get someone off the street
This year our goal is to raise €20,000. We need this symbolic amount to accompany a homeless person from the street to a stable home.
By getting sponsored for the 20km of Brussels, you can help us get one person off the streets.
Registrate for the Brussels 20km with Street Nurses
The registration fee is 45 € which includes:
- your official registration to the 20KM Brussels organisation and its administrative and financial regulations;
- many tips and tricks for your training
- your race number, available on the day of the race at the stand of 'Street Nurses' (Infirmiers de rue);
- a warm welcome at the Street Nurses stand on race day;
- a high quality sports t-shirt with the logo of 'Street Nurses' and possible sponsors;
- an energy-rich snack before and after the race;
- a massage at the finish.
- access to our online fundraising platform to make it easy for your family, friends, colleagues ... to support you.
NOTE: the registration is not considered as a donation, and therefore does not give right to a tax certificate.
We'll be opening registrations soon!
In the meantime, if you'd like to secure your place, you can always send an email to
Thank you for your commitment!