The Street Nurses' 'Module' project aims to rehouse and support formerly homeless people in a sustainable way in modular and movable accommodation.

In development since 2018, this is an innovative pilot project to rapidly create sustainable housing solutions for homeless people. In addition, modular housing combines social inclusion and urban renewal. Through the accompanied rehousing of homeless people, Infirmiers de rue wants to make a significant contribution to ending homelessness in Brussels.


These quality, movable homes can be installed on unused land that cannot be immediately developed, thus greatly reducing the final cost of housing. Unused land then becomes exploitable land that can provide a response to housing needs. This transformation of land becomes, at least in part, a real and effective solution to the problem of housing and homelessness.

After a successful experience of just over two years, during which two of our patients were rehoused in our modules on a plot of land near the Van Praet bridge, they moved at the end of the summer to a new plot of land in Forest, where they will soon be joined by four other modules. At the moment, three people are permanently rehoused there and the next three will be able to move in during the first quarter of 2022.


021 was a particularly successful year for our project. In addition to the activation of the land for six modules in Forest, we obtained, one after the other, two planning permits for modular and movable housing from the municipalities of Forest and Anderlecht, which is a first in the Brussels Region.

Our modules are now considered as housing with all the necessary comfort.

Thanks to this major breakthrough, new players are now placing their trust in us and we have been able to set up new partnerships.

We remain convinced that our modules are a sustainable response to the urgent need for affordable housing in Brussels with the clear objective of ending homelessness.

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