It was summer 2022... Thanks to your huge participation in our crowdfunding, we were able to raise 45.000€ for the building of modular housing in 2022. At that time, six modules were already installed on the Barcelona site in Forest and we were planning to invest in a new site in Neder-over-Heembeek. That's how far we've come!

Logement modulaire - sans-abrisme - Bruxelles

The understanding is good in the Forest neighbourhood

On a plot of land in the heart of Forest, six modules have been set up since 2021. Four of the tenants are in fact formerly homeless people, taken off the street by street Nurses. Two others are beneficiaries of Entraide de Saint-Gilles, as agreed within the framework of a partnership.

Maxime, the module project manager, tells us that ''the understanding is friendly, and some of the neighbours were keeping a close eye on the health state of Mr L., one of our patients. It’s great to see that the modular residents are good integrated into the neighbourhood!''

Logements modulaires - Sans-abrisme - Bruxelles

The project comes to life in Neder-over-Heembeek

Since the beginning of 2023, five modules have been built and set up for a few years on another wasteland in Neder-over-Heembeek, made available by the local CPAS. "Four of them have already been occupied for some time by patients of Infirmiers de rue. One has of them even come from Liège! It's a really fantastic solution for rehousing this group of people," explains Bénédicte, head of the Housing Creation and Recruitment Department.

There is one challenge, however: managing the green spaces around the modules. Maxime: "In a standard tenancy agreement, the tenants are obliged to look after them... But the reality of our patients was very specific, so we had to co-construct the management of the upkeep of the green spaces. It's an interesting exercise that's part of a wider project looking at the issue of living together and integration into the neighbourhood". To be continued!

Looking for new plots for the modules

A module is currently under construction, but we don't yet have a site on which to implement it. We are currently exploring tracks near Watermael-Boitsfort, Anderlecht or even in Forest, but it is not that simple.

Maxime explains: "When choosing plots, we look at the accessibility of the place, the technical constraints and connection possibilities, as well as the possible duration of occupation. It is a whole."

After that, it will also be a question of financing the construction of other modules: "We are in discussions with private investors, among others, and are studying all the possibilities for public and private financing. I can't tell you more at the moment, but it's possible that in the not-too-distant future, we could also implement the project in Liège...", hints Bénédicte.


Project supported by: the foundations Moulaert Laloux & Hospitalières du Sacré-Coeur of the King Baudouin Fondation; the foundations Lokumo & Noria; the Rotary Clubs Bruxelles Vésale & Bruxelles Forêt de Soignes; Bruxelles Prévention et Sécurité; the companies Besix, Atenor & Les Coquelicots.

Want to know more about modular housing?