Our activities extend widely beyond simply finding homeless people stable housing. Once they have been re-housed, we continue to follow them up over a long period.

Housing First
Helps people by providing someone to be the contact point between the tenant and landlord. Once a home is identified this person will inform the person living on the street that housing is available and will then, work with them through all the necessary administrative procedures. These might include visiting it, signing the lease/agreement, entry and exit inventories, meetings and progress reports with the landlord, etc.
The nurses and social workers continue to support the patient with any medical or social issues, whilst at the same time aiming for that person to be self-supporting.

Housing Fast
Helps those placed in institution such as a nursing or care home. In this case, other professional will take over our role, for example a nurse in care home or institution, or a regular general practitioner. Whatever the case, we remain in contact in order to ensure that the patients feel content there and that they want for nothing. In this way, we can regularly monitor the effectiveness of our work and make any necessary improvements, to the long-term benefit of all our patients.
In addition to these professional contacts, the patients receive regular visits from our volunteers – who have received special training. These volunteers will help the patients to improve their network and their prospects. Our teams offer up their time and companionship to prevent our patients feeling isolated. This also provides us with regular feedback about their situation, allowing us, should the need arise, to intervene fast enough to avoid a relapse.
© P-Y Jortay - Street Nurses 2020