September 2023
Principles for the health of homeless people
In the framework of the European project Proximity Health, in response to the difficulties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Street Nurses participated in exchanges with other European organizations active in the fight against homelessness. This project led to the formulation of recommendations for the accompaniment of homeless people.
September 2023
To put an end to homelessness, we need more than punch operations
We want a genuine structural policy to end homelessness in Brussels! For the past few days, homeless and undocumented people have been in the spotlight. The Gare du Midi is now the scene of security measures aimed at putting an end to the station's persistent problems. The Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration has decided to temporarily suspend the reception of men within the Fedasil network, which will increase the number of people sleeping rough.
August 2023
Volunteers wanted: interpreters for homeless homeless and re-housed people
To facilitate communication with our homeless and re-housed patients, we’re looking for voluntary interpreters in different languages. Their role? To accompany our field teams during their encounters with people of foreign origin.
August 2023
Street nurses : together, let's end homelessness! (presentation video)
Why do Street nurses exist? We aim to reintegrate the most vulnerable homeless people through housing and access to health, well-being, self-esteem and the possibility of making plans for the future.
August 2023
Animal mediation: well done, Youki!
Youki is the young female Prague Rattler belonging to Fiona who is responsible for housing on the My Way team. She goes on a house call with Fiona to Mr. F., a patient who has left street life behind and was helped to a home by Street Nurses. Youki is still young (1,5 year old) and small (2.7 kilos) but her influence is great!
August 2023
Animal mediation: what does a maraud with Frida look like?
Frida is a two-year old female Münsterländer which accompanies Sarah, nurse and psychologist, on some of her marauds. In her mediating role at Street Nurses, Frida helps Sarah to bond and open up a dialogue with homeless patients. But how does this work in practice?
July 2023
Animal mediation: for Mr. D., it's obvious!
It is a proven fact: therapy dogs can facilitate contacts, create a bond and improve the quality of our support for our patients. With some people, an even stronger bond is created! This is the case of Mr. D., who will no longer do without Walt.
July 2023
With BRUZZ, cook spaghetti for Street Nurses
Every year, the BRUZZ media organises its action Brussel helpt in support of a Brussels charity. In 2023, the funds raised will go to Street Nurses!
Do you enjoy cooking? Why not share a moment of solidarity with your friends and family or your network?
July 2023
Royal recognition for our commitment to end homelessness !
The National Holiday is an opportunity for the King to highlight remarkable people and/or causes that are close to his heart. This year, the end of homelessness and the team at the non-profit organisation Street Nurses are being honoured through the ennoblement of Emilie Meessen - the association's co-founder and delegated administrator.
June 2023
Training "Hygiene and precariousness" (Namur)
How can the issue of hygiene be approached with precarious audiences? In collaboration with RAPeL, Street Nurses is offering training on these issues for professionals in the psycho-medico-social sector on September 14 and 28, 2023 in Namur.
June 2023
Thanks to you, we raised €40,000 for our cohousing project for ex-homeless people!
Wow! Our crowdfunding campaign has come to a successful close, with €42,720 raised. 280 of you have given your financial backing to this project. That's fantastic! Thanks to your support, 3 ex-homeless people will be rehoused in shared accommodation. A huge thank you for your participation!
May 2023
The Brussels 20km 2023: what a team! (photos)
On Sunday 28 May 2023, over 200 runners and walkers joined us at the Parc du Cinquantenaire to proudly wear the colours of Street Nurses. Together, we took another step towards ending homelessness. Here are the photos from this memorable day!