On Friday, 7 October 2022, you were about a hundred to respond to the call from Street Nurses to participate in the evening and night of solidarity of Belgium Sleep Out. You did so on the spot in Brussels or online to dream together about the possibility to end homelessness.
It became a moment solidarity and self-conquest without precedent in Belgium. For your involvement and commitment: MANY THANKS!
Pictures © Marie Michiels
Dream House: a show that made us think
Belgium Sleep Out got off to a flying start with the show DREAM HOUSE by “Collectif 1984” at the initiative of “Droit à un toit” (Right to a roof).
How come that people still sleep on the street today? Brigitte took the audience through all her questions and thoughts… and she did that with the right tone, with compassion, humor and emotion.
Discussions between frontline professionals and citizens
Following a musical intermezzo by the Krewe Du Belge band, Koen and Julien quizzed the participants to test their knowledge about the reality of homelessness. Although the questioning was playful, it meant to show how unfounded preconceptions about homelessness are.
This was followed by a discussion with professionals who work with homeless and re-housed people. What does Street Nurses’ work consist of? What are the problems confronting our patients? Our field workers talked about their methods, progress, and victories… but also about their daily problems.
The evening was concluded with a video in which Luc, one of our housed patients, talked about the things that gave him special pleasure thanks to having a home of his own again. Nice to hear the good we can achieve with our work.

Sleeping on the spot was quite challenging!
After the shows part of the participants prepared for the night. They did so in many different ways: in the middle of the hall, as a group, as a family against a wall, alone in a corner, in a hammock or sleeping bag, on tables… creativity galore!
It was a night without any comfort: the noise, the cold, the evening’s excitement… Some left during the night. Others slept tight throughout. Those who stayed enjoyed a coffee early in the morning, served by Opération Thermos whose volunteers had also spent the night on the spot. Many thanks! And see you again soon!
Many thanks! And see you again soon!
The event became unforgettable. Thanks to all participants and all who supported the Dream Of A Roof campaign. The entire Street Nurses team expresses its heartfelt gratitude!
The "Dream of a roof, wake up home" campaign was sponsored by KBC Brussels, the National Lottery, Prefer, CHC, Expansion and CBC.