
May 2021

International Nurses' Day

On this “International Nurses' Day”, we would like to put the spotlight on our colleagues for the extraordinary work they have done every day for the past 15 years with homeless people.

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May 2021

A dog as mediator

A new project by Street Nurses investigates whether animals can be used to facilitate contact with homeless people.

As you may have noticed, homeless people often have a dog with them. This four-legged friend is very important to its owner: it offers protection, of course, but most of all, its presence offers comfort and affection that makes the difficulties of street life a little easier to bear.


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April 2021

Crowdfunding for our new homelessness prevention project

Encouraging formerly homeless people to get on with their lives and become so attached to their new home that they will never want to leave. This is, in a nutshell, the mission of the "My Way" project that we launched at the beginning of the year.  The aim is clear: to ensure that our patients never fall back on the streets again.

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December 2020

No more moratorium, evictions are back

You who has been protected by a legitimate governmental measure imposing a moratorium on evictions given the health situation, you are about to re-join the mass of those who, on September first, will be evicted.

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December 2020

Follow-up on the street

The Follow-up is the second step for our patients towards stable and sustainable reintegration into housing. It consists of intensive accompaniment for the person; it is the core of our work. It starts on the street and continues until the patient is reintegrated into housing, where he or she will still benefit from the support of the professionals and volunteers of Street Nurses, on a regular but spaced basis.

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April 2021

News from the Liège branch of Street Nurses

For a few months now, a new team has been working on the streets of Liege: Céline, a nurse, and Doriane, a social worker, have joined Gaïd, project manager.

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March 2021

2020: working in times of a sanitary crisis

2020 was for everybody a strange and difficult year but even more so for homeless people. This “lockdown year” has at least put the spotlight on the consequences of homelessness, especially in Brussels and Liège.

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March 2021

When do we stop our follow-up?

This brought up the question as to when we could let our patients go. Under what conditions? Following which procedure?

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February 2021

Whether it's windy, rainy or freezing...

Joséphine has been working for six years as a nurse in the non-profit organization "Street Nurses". She tells us about her daily work.

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October 2020

Housing for homeless people during Covid crisis

When quarantine started, in March, hotels in Brussels have opened their doors to offer a total of 820 rooms to host the homeless people. Meanwhile, those infrastructures have closed and as off today, only 92 rooms are available (according to Bruss’help).

To “Infirmiers de rue” it is a big regret.

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February 2021

From pre-follow-up to follow-up ... the selection of our patients

A lack of times and human resources makes it impossible for us to look after all homeless people at the same time. We must make a selection.

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February 2021

Finding motivation in my gifts, my talents, what I can be good at !

Each of us is gifted in some way. For some that’s obvious, for others much less so. Knowing what we are capable of and communicating it to other people gives us self-confidence and self-esteem.

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