
April 2021

Mr. V. is smiling again

Each time we met, Mr. V. had a smile on his face. Each time we met, the magic worked, like an enchanted parenthesis.

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February 2021

My friend lost the key to his apartment!

When we arrived at Madame I.'s apartment, we found Mr. T. asleep on his doorstep. We woke him up slowly, and he told us that he’d spent the night there.

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April 2021

Take distance

Just a year ago, I took a long leave after 5 years with Street Nurses, in order to take distance, question one's professional commitment and avoid a burnout.

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March 2021

New perspectives

This week we have done a “team exchange”. This means that I, who am usually inactive in street work, have joined the “housing” team.

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March 2021

The need to get out of it

Today I accompanied Mr J to the hospital for his pre-admission interview. It’s now almost two years that I have known him. This morning he is nervous but not less determined to stop his excessive drinking habit.

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February 2021

How did those people end up homeless?

Talking about my job helping people experiencing ‘homelessness’ prompts many responses.

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February 2021

Somewhere quiet, free from annoying neighbours

Mr. N.* is middle-aged. He is at an age where one laughs at one’s past life and starts to dread the inevitability of the future. Mr N. talks about the looming ‘deadline’, but with humour, and with a sardonic smile at the one certain thing that awaits us all.

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December 2020

Mister V. and his room mates

Mr V.* is a patient we have been following for several years, first in the street, then in housing. He is a very charming gentleman, with his heart on his hand.

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December 2020

Breaking the routine of many years

Mr. G.*, he is a patient who touches me very much. He reminds me a little of my grandfather, among other things because he is elderly.

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December 2020

I could tell you...

Today, I would like to tell you a part of Mr. J*’s story. So much could be said. I could tell you what a complex and confusing man he is. Exhausting at times.

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December 2020

Mrs. V. has an apartment!

Today, Mrs. V.* has moved into an apartment!

Quite an adventure! After two failed attempts, here we are.

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December 2020

A quick word to Mr. B.

Mr B.*....

We have known you since 2006, but you still amaze us, despite all the hardships that life asks you to overcome.

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