We are following a young person who lived for 2 years on the streets before being replaced by us into housing, after a report from a partner association.
Although she has a roof over her head, her follow-up remains complicated because of her different addictions. Indeed, her body and mind are constantly in need of drug, and actually her only aim during the day is to be able to consume. Because of this, she doesn't maintain her home, which is deteriorating at eye, and the administrative and medical procedures can be very complex to manage. Besides, they often don't go as planned.
Furthermore, our patient, who doesn't like loneliness, "welcomes" outsiders into her home, which doesn't promote the smooth running of her empowerment and healing process. Indeed, she allows herself to be influenced and fails to take her treatment regularly, which constantly plunges her back into her addictions and prevents her from getting out of them.

Then, we often remind her of her many resources: reading, drawing, caring for her look. We also have a great time by applying nail varnish and take care of her. We also try to help her express her needs through our range of ludic tools. But above all, we support her in realizing her deepest wish, which is to reconnect with her family.
Therefore, she will have to stop using. We know that this can be an important source of motivation to get out of it. So, we're working on this aspect, with a lot of patience, to be able to provoke a click.
Because we know that one day she'll be ready and we will be there to support and encourage her.
You want to learn more about addictions?
(*) We do our utmost to respect the privacy of our patients and our professional secrecy. However, we want to testify to how they must survive and how we are working together to reintegrate them. As a result, the names of places and people are deliberately omitted or changed and real-life situations are placed in a different context. There is no direct link between the photos and the stories above.