
November 2022

Borrow our new exhibition about homelessness

Street Nurses makes its photo exhibition “Dream of a roof, wake up home” available. This new awareness-raising tool shows, in three languages, our work of caring for the most vulnerable homeless people, and how they endure their fate.

Would you like to borrow the exhibition for an event? That’s possible: for free!

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October 2022

Conference about ending homelessness: thank you! (Pictures)

During the national conference “From dream to reality: ending homelessness in Belgium”, on 14 October 2022, Street Nurses brought together homelessness professionals, politicians, and citizens to reflect on actions and concrete measures towards ending homelessness at the national level.

The day was marked by constructive and valuable discussions which can trigger the necessary political changes. In anticipation of the report on the conference, here is a summary of the discussions with pictures of the event.

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October 2022

Belgium Sleep Out: thanks to you, a memorable event! (Pictures)

On Friday, 7 October 2022, you were about a hundred to respond to the call from Street Nurses to participate in the evening and night of solidarity of Belgium Sleep Out. You did so on the spot in Brussels or online to dream together about the possibility to end homelessness.

It became a moment solidarity and self-conquest without precedent in Belgium. For your involvement and commitment: MANY THANKS!

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September 2022

Brussels Housing First is growing

In 2013 the first project of Housing First was set up in Brussels, inspired by American projects under that name. Today, almost 10 years later, more than 200 people in our capital city benefitted from this project. Thanks to support teams and their partners in the housing sector, they again found appropriate and affordable homes of their own. Brussels Housing First is growing. More and more new projects are being set up - and, of course, we strive to strengthen this development.

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August 2022

Visit the modules in 3D

Vous souhaitez découvrir notre installation ? Ou rentrer dans un module ?

C'est possible grâce à la visite en 3D !

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August 2022

Five reasons to invest in modular housing

Through its crowdfunding campaign, Street Nurses wants to raise €45,000 for the construction of a “home module”, and believes that modular housing is an innovative solution that goes one step closer to ending homelessness. 

Still have doubts? We give you 5 reasons to invest in this great project!


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June 2022

News from Liège!

Since the Liège antenna of Street Nurses opened in 2019, the team has grown considerably. In its own professional and qualitative way, it is tackling the challenges of the Liège reality.

What are the issues, challenges and prospects in mid-2022? The colleagues tell us!  


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June 2022

SAVE THE DATE - "Dream of a roof": Mobilisation campaign to end homelessness

From 7 to 14 October 2022, the non-profit organisation Street Nurses will be running its “Dream of a roof” campaign. The aim is to invite citizens, companies, professionals in the sector and the political sphere to act together to put an end to homelessness.

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June 2022

Heatwaves and homelessness: Sunstroke Alert!

Heat waves are back in Belgium and endanger homeless people. Because, contrary to general belief, life on the street during the summer is hardly more bearable than in winter.

What are the risks, best practices, and recommendations? Here is a reminder from Dr Pierre Ryckmans, medical coordinator at Street Nurses.

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May 2022

Choir sings Verdi's Requiem for the benefit of Street Nurses!

In September 2022, the Brussels A Coeur Joie (ACJ) Region invites you to share its passion for the vocal arts and classical music during its concert for the benefit of Street Nurses.

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April 2022

Affiliation project: beyond housing, social bonding

The Affiliation project was born in 2020. This cross-cutting project for the five Housing First projects in Brussels (Antonin Artaud CSM, Diogenes vzw, Straatverplegers, Samusocial Brussel and Smes) serves the tenants supported within each of these programmes to address the problems of loneliness and lack of well-being experienced by these people.

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May 2022

Training: Hygiene, let's talk about it!

In partnership with the BICO Federation, Street Nurses is organising two-day training sessions for professionals who are confronted with issues linked to hygiene and precarity in their work.

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